Support for Registrars and Members

The College has prepared a range of resources and FAQs to assist registrars to navigate the right training support available during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is available here.

As restrictions are eased, the College will continue to monitor and update the FAQs accordingly.

Access EAP support

If you are experiencing workplace, training, exam, or other stresses or issues that are impacting your personal well-being, you can call ACRRM’s Employee Assistance Program for immediate confidential phone counselling support 24/7 in Australia & Overseas. Phone 1800 818 728.

College Advocacy

The College is recognised as a key stakeholder in COVID-related planning and policy development.  ACRRM advocates strongly for its members and the communities in which they live and work through a number of activities, including:   

Participation in meetings/teleconferences:

  • Regular communication and meetings with relevant Commonwealth Ministers and senior bureaucrats 
  • Liaison with State and Territory Health Departments and PHNs

Direct Advocacy:

  • Direct approaches and correspondence to Ministers and ministerial advisors 
  • Coordination and liaison with Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) and other medical and rural stakeholders, including the Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges (CPMC)

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Regular communication and partnerships with Rural Workforce Agencies; other medical colleges and a range of medical organisations and rural stakeholder groups.


Other Resources