Dr Greg Ivanoff from, Gippsland, Victoria, is a recipient of an Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) 2022 Distinguished Service Award for his significant contribution to rural and remote medicine and general service to the community.
Associate Professor Marco Briceno from Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory (NT), is a recipient of an Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) 2022 Distinguished Service Award for his significant contribution to rural and remote medicine and general service to the community.
Dr David Harwood from Parkes, NSW is a recipient of an Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) 2022 Distinguished Service Award for his significant contribution to rural and remote medicine and general service to his community.
Dr Natalie Burch from Scottsdale, Tasmania, is a recipient of an Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) 2022 Distinguished Service Award for her significant contribution to rural and remote medicine and general service to the community.
A Rural Generalist registrar who has provided dedicated care to the Queensland community of Palm Island is one of two recipients of the ACRRM-RDAA Rural Registrar of the Year Award 2022. Dr Regina Waterhouse was presented with the award at the Rural Medicine Australia (RMA22) conference dinner in Canberra on Friday night.
A Rural Generalist doctor who has served the small community of Cummins, on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula, for over 30 years has received the ACRRM-RDAA Peter Graham ‘Cohuna’ Award for 2022. Dr Gerard Quigley was presented with the award at the Rural Medicine Australia (RMA22) conference dinner in Canberra on Friday night.
A Fijian doctor who has delivered dedicated medical care to the remote NSW community of Boggabri – in the face of a significant shortage of doctors there, as well as the pressures of the COVID pandemic, and even a record-breaking mouse plague – is one of two recipients of the ACRRM-RDAA Rural Registrar of the Year Award 2022.
Dr Greg Coates who works in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, is the recipient of an Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) 2022 Honorary Fellowship Award for providing a significant contribution to ACRRM and the field of rural generalism.
Dr John Urie from Bairnsdale, Victoria, is a recipient of an Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) 2022 Honorary Fellowship Award for providing a significant contribution to the field of rural generalism.
Timor Leste, Afghanistan, remote mine sites, ships, prisons and regional hospitals are just some of the locations decorated former army medic, Dr Dan Pronk, has explored the concept of resilience, which he will share with almost 1000 delegates at Rural Medicine Australia 2022 (RMA22), Australia’s peak rural doctor conference.
The critical issue of mental health and wellbeing in the bush – both for rural health professionals and their patients – will be a significant focus of this year’s Rural Medicine Australia conference (RMA22), and a timely one given World Mental Health Week is also underway this week.
Today, Tasmanian AGPT registrars, supervisors and training posts contracted with General Practice Training Tasmania (GPTT) officially transition to College-led Training with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
With the election of a new Federal Government, a critical shortage of rural doctors, and a conference in the nation’s capital, this year’s Rural Medicine Australia conference (RMA22) was always going to have a strong political flavour – and those attending this year’s conference will not be disappointed.
Rural doctors from across Australia are dusting off their travel bags and getting ready to descend on the nation’s capital, with the first face-to-face Rural Medicine Australia conference in three years being held next month.
On Monday 15 August 2022, senior representatives from RACGP and ACRRM met in Melbourne with the GP Training Cultural Educators and Cultural Mentors Network (CECM Network) Governance group.
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) announces Dr Dan Halliday will lead the College as President from October 2022. Dr Halliday will succeed Dr Sarah Chalmers whose presidency ends at the College’s 2022 Annual General Meeting.
ACRRM is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 ACRRM President’s Prize, Lucinda Colbert and Lisa Altmann. Lucinda and Lisa are fourth-year medical students with a passion for rural generalism and improving the healthcare needs for rural and remote communities.
In a move to support Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) registrars, supervisors and training posts in Tasmania, the College and General Practice Training Tasmania (GPTT) have agreed to an early transition to the ACRRM Fellowship program.
The date for transition of GPTT training delivery to ACRRM has been brought forward from February 2023 to 30 September 2022.
Today marks the first successful transition of the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program to the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) with AGPT registrars in NSW and ACT transferring from Regional Training Organisation (RTO) GP Synergy to the College.
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and international health non-profit organisation Rocketship have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), formalising a partnership that will see the organisations work together to improve health in Pacific Island countries.