ACRRM continues to deliver high-quality registrar training experiences, as evidenced by the latest results from the 2024 Medical Training Survey (MTS).
The Australian Antarctic Division is looking for four medical practitioners keen to spend a year working at one of Australia’s four Antarctic and sub-Antarctic stations. The doctors will work at Casey, Davis, Mawson or Macquarie Island over the 2027 winter. Training starts in June 2026, with successful candidates travelling south between November 2026 and April 2027.
ACRRM has recently endorsed an important update to the Assessment Eligibility Policy, limiting the number of attempts for all assessments to a maximum of four per modality. This policy, effective January 2025, will bring ACRRM into alignment with other medical colleges and set a consistent framework for registrars, Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMGs), and ACRRM staff.
ACRRM members are invited to attend Healthed’s selection of in-person seminars across the country in 2025. All dates have now been announced for Australia’s most popular one-day seminar for GPs.
The College has provided a submission to the national consultation on the AMC draft standards and procedures for training site accreditation. These documents are intended to provide a model, outcomes-based framework for all medical colleges to promote consistency of standards for Fellowship training.
The College has provided a submission to the Independent Review of Complexity in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS). ACRRM’s submission follows an earlier submission and several consultations with the review team.
The National Council of Primary Care Doctors* (the Council) supports and strongly advocates to increase access to general practice services for all Australians, including during after-hours periods.
Australia’s largest private provider of CPD for GPs is hosting their next free webcast and ACRRM members are invited to join thousands of GPs on Tuesday 26th November 7pm AEDT and register for the next online webcast.
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) is delighted to welcome Dr Sarah Chalmers, former ACRRM President, as the President Elect of the Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA).
The Australian Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (AUS-mTBI) study is a national endeavour that is developing an online tool to improve care and recovery for people who suffer a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) or concussion.
The release of the Federal Government’s final report on the Scope of Practice review is missing the mark on rural and remote community need, according to the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
The AMC is consulting on the draft model accreditation standards and procedures for specialist medical college accreditation of training settings. Registrars, supervisors, practice managers, and other training post staff are all invited to provide feedback to include in our ACRRM submission and are also able to make individual submissions.
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) is pleased to announce the installation of new representatives to the College Board and Council, following their official induction at the Annual General Meeting held in Garramilla (Darwin) NT last Friday.
The College has recently raised concerns regarding the delays experienced by members in contacting the Veterans’ Affairs Pharmaceutical Advisory Centre (VAPAC).
Thinking about taking the next step into practice ownership? You need to consider the many complexities of practice ownership. This includes your business plan, financing, compliance obligations, employment matters, practice set-up requirements and insurance implications, just to name a few.
This week, Joint Colleges Training Services (JCTS) reached a significant milestone with the launch of their brand-new website! JCTS was created in 2022 as a joint venture of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and since then the company has grown rapidly.
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) has hit an exciting milestone, with more than 180 Rural Generalists (RGs) achieving Fellowship in the past 12 months—setting a new record.
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) is proud to recognise Assoc Prof David Rosenthal of Renmark, South Australia, with the 2024 Distinguished Service Award for his five decades of dedication to rural, remote, and First Nations healthcare.