The government’s commitment to increase the number of masks and Point of Care Testing kits to General Practice, will help combat the COVID-19 pandemic, ACRRM President Dr Ewen McPhee says.
To assist general practices and in line with COVID-19 social distancing measures, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) is maintaining requirements for accreditation.
The College has been invited to provide feedback about the planned proposal to amend the relevant state legislation to enable prescriptions to be provided in an approved electronic form, consistent with the Commonwealth framework and the National Digital Health Strategy. A fact sheet is attached. Please provide any feedback to by Wednesday 1 April 2020.
We live in extraordinary times. One could be forgiven for wishing we could skip 2020 altogether for it has been a year of firsts in most unfortunate ways with significant bushfires over Christmas, and now the threat of Pandemic SARS-COV-2.
Due to a limited supply, the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) is calling for all clinicians, GPs and healthcare providers to conserve the utilisation of all swabs, by limiting any unnecessary or non-urgent testing, such as for chronic leg ulcers.
The College has been asked to pass on the following message from RANZCR:
RANZCR fully recognises the key role of frontline general practitioners in management of this pandemic. We are seeing a rapid increase in the number of confirmed and suspected COVID–19 patients in recent days and would like to request your help in order to protect them, our other patients and practice staff to ensure continuity of our ability to provide healthcare services to our community.
The College has a responsibility to our members, staff and stakeholders to do our part to remove or reduce any personal risks to them. Therefore, we have decided to take the following unprecedented steps in relation to how we will conduct ACRRM business in the short term.
The College has a responsibility to our members, staff and stakeholders to do our part to remove or reduce any personal risks to them. Therefore, we have decided to take the following steps in relation to how we will conduct ACRRM business in 2020.
The Implementing work-related Mental health guidelines in general PRacticE (IMPRovE) trial is looking to appoint two NSW Opinion leaders to work as part of a panel of Key Opinion Leader team, who supported by the project team, will deliver the Academic...
Rheumatic Health Disease Australia (RHDA) has released the 2020 Australian guideline for prevention, diagnosis and management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (3rd edition), available for download here.
The Australian Medical Boards and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) revised mandatory notification guidelines about registered health practitioners and students took effect as part of the National Law from 1 March 2020.
The NSW Cervical Screening Program Advisory Committee is convened by the Cancer Institute NSW and provides advice to the NSW Cervical Screening Program in support of state-wide program delivery.
To meet the anticipated demand for seasonal influenza vaccines in 2020, the Australian Government will secure the largest supply of seasonal influenza vaccines ever through the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for people most at risk.
ACRRM Registrar Dr Babak Adeli explains that too often the conversation about gender inequity in medicine is exclusively conducted by women, with few men paying attention. We know the problem exists, even to this day in full force, despite much progress.
FACRRM Dr Louis Peachey is a strong advocate for growing the number of Indigenous women in rural medicine, explaining - "in general, Indigenous women have double the academic achievement of Indigenous men"
This week marks the end of an era as we farewell Clinical Guidelines Officer Heather Allwood who has retired from the College after over 15 years of service. Heather was a key driver in the development and success of the ACRRM Clinical Guidelines.
The Victoria Police Custodial Health Service (CHS) is in the process of expanding its service provision in Regional Victoria and has opportunities for General Practitioners in Ballarat, Mildura, Horsham, Wodonga, Morwell and Warrnambool.
The Australian Medical Boards and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) have revised their mandatory notification guidelines and supporting resources and these are expected to take effect in early March 2020.