ACRRM Registrar Dr Babak Adeli explains that too often the conversation about gender inequity in medicine is exclusively conducted by women, with few men paying attention. We know the problem exists, even to this day in full force, despite much progress.
FACRRM Dr Louis Peachey is a strong advocate for growing the number of Indigenous women in rural medicine, explaining - "in general, Indigenous women have double the academic achievement of Indigenous men"
This week marks the end of an era as we farewell Clinical Guidelines Officer Heather Allwood who has retired from the College after over 15 years of service. Heather was a key driver in the development and success of the ACRRM Clinical Guidelines.
The Victoria Police Custodial Health Service (CHS) is in the process of expanding its service provision in Regional Victoria and has opportunities for General Practitioners in Ballarat, Mildura, Horsham, Wodonga, Morwell and Warrnambool.
The Australian Medical Boards and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) have revised their mandatory notification guidelines and supporting resources and these are expected to take effect in early March 2020.
One-hundred additional training places have been allocated to the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) to train more rural generalists.
In recognition that many general practices, Aboriginal Medical Services and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations have been adversely affected by devastating bushfires across many parts of the country...
With over 1200 providers offering telehealth at either the patient or distant end of the consultation the ACRRM telehealth provider directory is one of the most comprehensive multiple speciality directories’ in Australia and is used extensively in rural and...
An article published in the latest edition of Australian Journal of Rural Health lends further support to richness and variety of clinical experiences available in rural and remotely based training.
Researchers from UNSW Sydney are aiming to better understand the implementation and prescribing of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), an HIV prevention drug. NSW or WA-based doctors who have prescribed PrEP at least once can take part in a one-on-one...
NSW Health has invited the College to nominate representatives to working groups that have been established to progress work on key themes which were identified during the NSW Health and Specialist Medical colleges Roundtable held in October 2019.
This paper documents many of the activities and achievements of Dr Mark Craig MB BS; DipRACOG; FRACGP; FACRRM drawing on contributions from his friends and colleagues. Dr Craig has worked tirelessly in several fields of medicine and academia.
It has been a significant year for Rural Generalism and for the College. While our rural and remote communities have faced economic and environment challenges, we’re confident in the opportunities to turn this around.
ACRRM welcomes expressions of interest from Tasmanian Fellows to represent the College on the Tasmanian Rural Generalist Coordinating Council. The Council provides governance to the Tasmanian Rural Generalist Pathway.
Prevocational Medical Accreditation Queensland (PMAQ) is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced General Practitioners to fill the position of General Practice Representative on the PMAQ Accreditation Committee (the Committee).
ACRRM had a strong presence at the NSW Rural GPs conference in Manly from 29 November-1 December, including CEO Marita Cowie and several College Fellows and registrars.
The Wound Management Working Group was established to provide advice to the Taskforce regarding existing MBS items for the management of acute wounds and issues relating to the management of chronic wounds more broadly.