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  • Technology support for COVID-19 Vaccination Program
    Feb 17, 2021
    Newly passed legislation will see COVID-19 vaccines, once approved for use and administered in Australia, reported to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). The new legislation also requires all Influenza vaccinations to be reported to AIR from 1 March 2021, with all other National Immunisation Program vaccinations to be reported from 1 July 2021 (such as MMR, HPV and pertussis vaccines). Previously reporting to AIR was at the discretion of vaccination providers with seasonal flu vaccinations, only reported at a rate of about 50%.
  • The benefits of a self-managed PD portfolio
    Feb 17, 2021
    While accredited activities you attend are reported by the education provider, we encourage you to self-report all your other professional development activities into your PD portfolio as this is a way to capture your everyday learning and reflect the real time spent on professional development.
  • Improvements to your PD portfolio
    Feb 17, 2021
    We’ve been making improvements to your PD portfolio and you might have noticed some new features including a professional development resources section and explanatory text in the ‘Add activity’ form to help you find the right category and a feedback button. You can also edit and delete most self-entered activities, so you have more control over your own professional development records.
  • Call for nominations GPTQ Board
    Feb 16, 2021
    General Practice Training Queensland (GPTQ) has issued a call for nominations for candidates for the Board Director elections which will be held at the AGM scheduled for Tuesday 11 May 2021.
  • Mental Health National Initial Assessment and Referral Project Expert Advisory Group - representative wanted
    Feb 16, 2021
    The Department of Health has invited the College to nominate a representative to participate in the National Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) Project Expert Advisory Group (EAG). The role of the IAR EAG is to ensure the project is clinically sound and evidence based by providing expert advice regarding the development of national guidance and resources.
  • College representative to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) ECG Review Committee
    Feb 16, 2021
    The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) ECG Review Committee has been formed to consider the changes to cardiac imaging services which were recommended by the MBS Taskforce. The first stage of these changes were implemented in August 2020 and included changes to items for electrocardiograms.
  • ACRRM welcomes the draft National Medical Workforce Strategy
    Feb 10, 2021
    This month, the College submitted its feedback to the Department of Health on the draft National Medical Workforce Strategy. The College is a member on the Medical Workforce Reform Advisory Committee which oversights the Strategy and continues to contribute to its development.
  • Medical Board Consultation – Endorsement of registration for acupuncture for registered medical practitioners.
    Feb 8, 2021
    The Medical Board of Australia (the Board) is consulting on a draft revised registration standard for Endorsement of registration for acupuncture for registered medical practitioners.
  • Representative wanted - Rural and Remote Health Journal
    Feb 3, 2021
    The College is seeking a representative to join the Management Team of the Rural and Remote Health Journal. The role of the management committee is to consider how to increase the readership, reach and financial sustainability of the journal. It is well supported by the Journal’s editorial team.
  • College representative for National Blood Forum
    Feb 2, 2021
    The College has been invited to provide a representative for the National Strategic Blood forum, which will be held on Wednesday 31 March by videconference. This presenter will be participating in a session to discuss the current and future blood requirements for different settings, including regional and remote medicine, chronic transfusion support, in the emergency department and for hospital retrieval, followed by a discussion panel.
  • Better Pain Management program
    Feb 1, 2021
    The Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists is currently leading a project to develop a pain management education strategy for Australian health practitioners. The project is funded by the federal Department of Health and supports Goal Three of the National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management.
  • Australian pain management health practitioner education strategy
    Feb 1, 2021
    The Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists is currently leading a federal Department of Health-funded project to develop an overarching pain management education strategy for Australian health practitioners.
  • Active ingredient prescribing grace period introduced
    Jan 21, 2021
    During the transition to Active Ingredient Prescribing, the Department has agreed to provide a six-month grace period for pharmacy, ceasing 31 July 2021. Within this period, if a pharmacy receives a prescription that does not meet active ingredient prescribing requirements the pharmacists have been advised to contact the prescriber and request the prescription be re-issued in accordance with the requirements that come into effective on 1 February 2021.
  • My Health Record COVID-19 test results now available to patients after 24 hours
    Jan 20, 2021
    As part of the Australian Government’s pandemic response, a change will be made in the My Health Record system so that COVID-19 pathology reports are available to patients in their My Health Record sooner. This change has been made in consultation with industry and government stakeholders.
  • College representative for Intellectual Disability Roundtables
    Jan 6, 2021
    The College is seeking representatives to attend discussions Roundtables which have been convened by the Department of Health as part of the development of a national roadmap for improving the health of Australians with intellectual disability. The roadmap will be implemented from 2020 as part of the 10 Year Primary Health Care Plan.
  • College representative for Palliative Care Australia’s Project Working Group
    Jan 5, 2021
    To support health practitioners in their delivery of generalist palliative care, Palliative Care Australia (PCA) is developing a Generalist Supplement to the National Palliative Care Standards. This work will be assisted by a consultancy firm, Aspex Consulting; the work is due to be completed by November 2021.
  • College representative for Cancer Australia’s Intercollegiate Advisory Group
    Jan 5, 2021
    The College has been invited to nominate a representative to join Cancer Australia’s Intercollegiate Advisory Group (ICAG).
  • Prescribers need to plan for software upgrade
    Dec 15, 2020
    From Monday 1 February 2021 the Australian Government is mandating that prescribers must include the active ingredient names when preparing PBS and RPBS prescriptions. A software upgrade will be required so that only compliant scripts are printed from February. We recommend getting in contact with your software provider.
  • Rural Generalist Advanced Skills Training workshop
    Dec 15, 2020
    The Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway, Darling Downs Health are running a Rural Generalist Advanced Skills Training introductory workshop for registrars who are starting their AST in internal medicine, mental health or paediatrics in 2021.
  • New Transition to College-Led Training Advisory Committee
    Dec 10, 2020
    ACRRM is playing an important role in the new Transition to College-Led Training Advisory Committee (TCLTAC), formed by the Department of Health and co-chaired by Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Principal Medical Advisor Professor Michael Kidd AM, and Rural Health Commissioner Professor Ruth Stewart.