The College will be making a comprehensive submission to the Senate Inquiry into the provision of general practice and related primary health services to outer metropolitan, rural, and regional Australians. We invite members to provide feedback...
Where a Serious Scarcity Substitution Instrument (SSSI) has been issued by the TGA, community pharmacists can substitute specific medicines without prior approval from the prescriber so long as the permitted circumstances within the SSSI are met.
In light of recent media stories, the College would like to reiterate its commitment to ensuring quality general practice services in rural and remote communities, as demonstrated by the standards set in Pre-Employment Structured Clinical Interviews (PESCIs).
There are currently over 1,500 practices currently administering Pfizer across the country, and approximately 280 new general practices have been invited to commence administering Pfizer in August. The August rollout has a high proportion of non-metro sites to continue to expand the Pfizer footprint and provide coverage to areas with low access.
ACRRM is currently recruiting new members for the Professional Development Committee. We are keen to keep improving the framework, activities and supporting resources to make our new CPD framework and systems as user friendly, convenient and relevant to our members’ practice as possible.
As part of its role in providing primary oversight of the My Health Record system, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has informed the College that it intends to commence assessment of General Practices, starting this month.
The Australian Society for Psychological Medicine (ASPM) is launching another Focused Psychological Strategies Skill Training ‘Level 2’ series on 21-22 August 2021, delivered online by GP’s for GP’s.
This week is NAIDOC week, a time for all Australians to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
This week has been fairly tumultuous for most of us, for many reasons. There remains a significant threat of outbreaks of the pandemic in some of our most vulnerable communities...
Dr Adrian Griscti, ACRRM Fellow, proud rural GP for over 35 years, and South Australian Ambassador for health-promotion charity Doctors For Nutrition, is passionate about the role of whole food plant-based nutrition in disease prevention and care.
Telstra Health partnered with Goondir Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporations for Health Services (Goondir Health Services) to help support patients on their health journey using Telstra Health’s Virtual Health Monitoring solution.
The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) has released its Consultation Paper on the Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2022–23 for public consultation.
There are a number of new and amended listings to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from 1 June 2021. Additional listings and changes to current listings include for short term and long term opioids on the Palliative Care Schedule.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has completed a review and update of the Implementation Guide for the Surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia.
The Commonwealth Department of Health has released a range of updates on COVID-19 Vaccination, including: Pfizer vaccine storage, the transfer of AstraZeneca vaccines, a statement on Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS), and more.
Some member practices may have received correspondence regarding failure to comply with the guidelines of the Procedural Practice Incentive Payment (PIP). It has been identified that due to the Commonwealth Government not being able to access public hospital data in most States, GP and Rural Generalist Procedural Practices who may have met their required targets have received these letters.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has written to the College to seek feedback and potential future endorsement of the draft revised Delirium Clinical Care Standard.